suckers and cowards

4:06 AM
the good people are so busy keeping everything in order
you can see the anxiety in their eyes
watch the sweat drip down their back
they deflect the things they don't like about themselves
onto innocent people, just minding their own business
trying to get by

this world is full of suckers and assholes
and I'm forced to sift through the debris
to find anything at all to stop the pounding boredom

this is all i was left with
those before me used it all up
they judge without mercy
and place titles on peoples heads
who judges the judges
who watches the watchers
and who feeds off the suckers

everyone is so convinced they got it right
i dont buy it
I'm just not impressed with your ways
it looks like shit to me
so forgive me if i don't drop my jaw
im sorry you had all your hopes up for this
but i don't like it
and i will not lie to you about it
like you would lie to me

everyone just lies to each other
like it will fix itself
you're all suckers and cowards


the vagrant dead

4:00 AM
every face i see is dead to me
just one more fool to drive it home
and everyday it becomes more certain
that i am surrounded on all sides by idiots

my contempt grow hourly
the days drag on, nothing is solved
and idiots inherit the earth

I'm a simple man, i just want what i deserve
and the brainless are running the show
their strength is in numbers
and the law is on their side
cause i would kill them all

i fight for nothing, my cause is empty
and every thought is suppressed
but i am ok with standing against the current
while the sheep flock to their judas
and i see them all fall of the fucking cliff

they call me anti-social, they call me agoraphobe
and that may be true
but those phobias are based on fear
and i do not feel afraid

i only feel anger and disgust for people
i see them lie to each others faces
i see the numbness in their eyes
it only solidifies my decision to never walk among them
to never count myself as one of many


suburban guilt

3:54 AM
its a cold, empty feeling
when you have to make an effort not to end yourself
you take the pills, but the pills don't work
they only buy you time
time runs out eventually

and you hear the people
they tell you its not worth it
you know they are probably right
but it doesn't stop the urge

from a heart that's sick of beating
and a brain that's sick of thinking
and the world looks bleaker everyday
the people in your life who you hold most dear
don't seem to change your mind one bit

cause they may care about you, but they dont
have to live your life
they don't have to wake up to the cynicism you feel everyday
there's only so much you can do
to try to stoke the fire
to try to wake the content within you

but sometimes nothing does it
and there you are with the numbness sitting beside you
and following you around
i dont feel anything
i just want the boredom to end
hope is an instant, and gone just as quick
love is a lie we tell ourselves